What is Bug Sweeping or TSCM?
The more commonly used name is bug sweep; however the technical term is technical surveillance countermeasures or TSCM.
Bug sweeping is the methodical use of specialist equipment which detects transmission frequencies and devices. A Bug Sweep is utilised by individuals and businesses for an array of reasons.
In a corporate scenario, it may be that decisions or conversations made in private are known by third parties or competitors. It may be that a business has had visitors or trades persons within it and allowed to wonder around unsupervised and there are suspicions a device may have been deployed. It may be that a business operates within a sensitive sector such as aerospace or financial institution and requires assurances in regard to the integrity of their building.
We generally advise that the bug sweep is conducted in areas where key decisions are made, such as boardrooms, senior management team offices and meeting rooms. Unless there is a specific requirement, we generally advise not to bug sweep all desks and workstations as there is little to be gained in these areas.
Private clients may utilise bug sweeping if they believe that a former partner has bugged their property. It may be that the couple live apart and are proceeding through the divorce process and one party is privy to information they shouldn’t know. There may be a suspicion that a landlord has bugged a property, or a third party has accessed your home to gain personal information. It may be suspected that your vehicle has been subject to a listening device or GPS vehicle tracker, and you want it located and removed.
Whatever the reason, Titan is able to provide complete peace of mind and reassurance whether there is or isn’t a device present within your home or workplace.
What equipment is used for bug sweeping?
The equipment we commonly use, however, isn’t limited to;
- Spectral Analysis Detection.
- Near-Field detection Receiver.
- Non-Linear Junction Detector.
- GSM Locator.
- Wi-Fi Scanner.
- Thermal Imagery,
- Lens Finder,
- Video Pole Camera.
- Forensic Light Search Kit.
The specialist technician will arrive at the location in question at the agreed time. In the case of this being a business, it is commonly when the business is closed or when staffing levels are reduced. In the case of a private address, the technician will arrive in a plain vehicle and, if required, with a valid cover story and props to avoid suspicion.
The technician will utilise an array of equipment to perform a methodical, technically enhanced physical search of the building or vehicle. In the case of a vehicle, some clients request the bug sweep to be carried out away from the home address, which is absolutely fine and fully understandable.
How long does a bug sweep of a building take?
We are asked this a lot by prospective clients and is controlled by a multitude of parameters. These will be the size of the business or house; how many rooms are required to be searched and whether access is restricted to certain times. Generally, a small house will take three to four hours.
How long does a vehicle bug sweep take?
There are two methods to sweep a vehicle. A GPS vehicle tracker will go to sleep when not moving so will not emit a signal. A fingertip search therefore may be the most appropriate way to identify whether there is a tracking device present. Alternatively, we can wake the device up by deploying various tactics and then utilise the technical equipment to detect whether a device is present or not. Either method takes approximately 30 minutes.
Bug Sweeping, who do I contact for further advice?
For further advice and information in regard to bug sweeping or TSCM then please feel free to speak to one of our professional team at one of the offices nearest to you.
London Bug Sweep Team – Call the Titan Investigations London Office 020 39046622
Birmingham Bug Sweep Team – Call the Titan Investigations Birmingham Office 0121 7162442
Cambridge Bug Sweep Team – Call the Titan Investigations Cambridge Office 01223 662022
Derby Bug Sweep Team – Call the Titan Investigations Derby (Head Office) 01332 504256
Leeds Bug Sweep Team – Call the Titan Investigations Leeds Office 0113 4574066
Leicester Bug Sweep Team – Call the Titan Investigations Leicester Office 0116 2436520
Nottingham Bug Sweep Team – Call the Titan Investigations Nottingham Office 0115 9646950
Manchester Bug Sweep Team – Call the Titan Investigations Office 0161 3023008
Sheffield Bug Sweep Team – Call the Titan Investigations Sheffield Office 0114 3499400
Alternatively, you can contact us directly using our fully confidential contact form at enquiries@titaninvestigations.co.uk or chat directly using our Live Chat facility and one of our private investigations team will get right back to you.