Specialist Surveillance Motorcyclist
Specialist Surveillance Motorcyclist – What Role Do They Play?
A surveillance motorcyclist is a specialist role and when utilised, plays a vital part in any operation. A surveillance motorcyclist is not required on all surveillance operations due to the specialism of the role but when utilised is a vital asset to any team. The motorcyclist isn’t deployed alone, but in support of at least one vehicle and can be used to deploy a pillion passenger from.
When is a surveillance motorcyclist deployed?
Public sector surveillance teams utilise at least one motorcyclist per deployment, however, in the private sector the ‘purse strings’ don’t always stretch that far and not always necessary. Below is not an exhausted list but are some of the occasions when a surveillance motorcyclist is advisable;
- When observations are conducted within large cities, the motorcycle can filter through traffic or take alternative routes,
- When the subject utilises bus and taxi lanes, the underground and trams,
- If a subject’s surveillance awareness is heightened or they have compromised previous surveillance teams,
- When deploying an operative ahead of the surveillance to a known location,
- When it’s time critical to arrive at a different location, such as when the subject unexpectedly boards a train, the motorcyclist will attempt to get ahead,
There are plenty of operatives who work in the private sector who will state that they are surveillance motorcyclists, however, have received no formal driver training, camera competency or surveillance. They simply have a camera and a motorbike. At Titan Private Investigation all of our motorcyclists are former Police or Military trained surveillance motorcyclists and have undergone professional driver training, surveillance and camera competent. They have perfected their field craft over a number of years and conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism. This is our standard and we won’t deviate from it or compromise the quality of our product.
You may be thinking that this comes at a higher price, but you’d be wrong. Our pricing structure is competitive and we charge the standard industry rate of pay, which is no doubt the same as less professional investigation companies.
Specialist Surveillance Motorcyclist – Who do I contact?
One of Titan’s surveillance dedicated team is awaiting your call. Titan Private Investigation offer this specialist surveillance service nationally and can be contacted or visited at the locations below;
Specialist Surveillance Motorcyclist Derby (Head Office) Call  01332 650029
Specialist Surveillance Motorcyclist Nottingham Call 0115 824 2244
Specialist Surveillance Motorcyclist Nottingham Call 0115 824 2244
Specialist Surveillance Motorcyclist Leicester Call 0116 326 0777
Specialist Surveillance Motorcyclist Sheffield Call 0114 3032426
Alternatively, contact us by email at enquiries@titaninvestigations.co.uk or use our fully confidential contact form and one of our team will get right back to you.